“At least a few large employers already do. “Google is not the first company to make up for the extra tax,” reported the Times. In July of 2010 Advocate came across the fact that Google would be covering taxes on employer-provided health benefits for Gay couples that their straight couple counterparts were not having to pay because the government recognized their union as a full marriage: In addition, you can take a look at the post in the same Google blog to see what Google’s official position was (and is) on California’s Proposition 8, aka government action to officially strike down Gay marriage in CA – yes, they were against it. Take a look below at an official Google Employees “It Gets Better” video also: If you’ll take a look back to a post in the official Google Blog from 2007, you’ll see that “Our Corporate Equality effort” means rights for Gayglers all across the world, not just USA, and that Google supports gay right and has been doing so, again, for years. The image you see above was posted by Bearhouse on Reddit in a thread that then erupted into talk of “what am I looking for here” and “I think I see *celebrity*.” We’re in a progressive online world now where it’s much more likely that we think a company NOT supporting gay rights is odd, so much so that people on Reddit could not understand why Bearhouse posted a picture of some Google employees and friends marching in a Pride parade in NYC.